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Friday, April 18, 2008

On Memories: Something to reply to & share

Allow me to post some questions below. They may make you feel uncomfortable for a while as you read along. If so, I hope you'll find a way to resolve it. Finding a Counselor may help.

If you'd like to reply, email me at and write on the Subject - On Memories: Something to reply to & share

Thanks for participating in this online research. God bless

Are you ready? Here are the questions. Please don't proceed if you're not. Just scroll down and you'll find the questions.

1. Have you been deeply hurt? How many times? By whom?
4. Have thoughts/memories on that/those hurt/s ever come back to you? How often?
6. What thoughts/memories came back? Please describe them freely if possible
7. WHEN did they come back to you? Describe too your personal situation/s or condition/s when they came back
8. What did you do when they came back?

Please state your gender, and age in your reply. Other information you'd like to share please feel free to mention. Whatever data you'll mention shall be kept in strict confidence.

This is part of a personal research on memories.

Thank you. God bless