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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Something To think About & Act On

Let me share you some questions which I hope you can help me answer. It's about our organizations and our leaders there, and what can be done to stop what needs to be stopped, ensuring the integrity of our professional practice.

1. A certain officer of an organization of some years ago, after the tenure of officership did not turn over funds to the organization's newly elected officers and subsequenty the officers years after. Then, the said certain officer decided unilaterally (on one's own, without the present group of officers' authorization) to withdraw the money for some purpose. What can be done to stop this? Is that said officer of a past leadership accountable to the present crop of officers and the organization's members? How should this accountability be enforced? Is there a name to this act?

2. How long should an outgoing officer of an organization need to turn over his/her position to the newly-elected officer? Should not turning over one's position and obligations be tolerated? Who is responsible to enforce this so that any outgoing officer does not keep "holding the bag" so to say, beyond one's tenure?

3. What if some members of the Board (not constituting a majority) decide to withdraw the organization's funds and the bank allows it (unfortunately), and consequently spends it without any accounting: is this a crime or not? What needs to be done to rectify if this were an error?

We are Counselors, yes, and will be members of an integrated professional association when we get our licenses. Our officers in the organization will have to be Counselors too, and one's conduct of the office in the organization needs to be beyond reproach lest Counseling be tainted and lose its integrity. As members, it is important as well that we hold our officers responsible. Election into office does not give license to the officers to commit crimes, nor should election keep one immune from such acts. In the event such happens, what must we as members do? Shall we only listen? Must these matters be included in our Code of Ethics as Counselors too?

We may really need to be aware of these realities, and do something lest those who commit such things continue to think they can do the same thing without qualms of conscience.