There have been two batches of Counselors now who took their oath and were given their license to practice Guidance and Counseling in the country. As announced in my previous blog entry, there is a third batch whose deadline for submission of application is AUG. 08, 2008, the second Friday of the month of August. Dr. Emy Villar, the President-elect of PGCA after the May 14-16, 2008 National Convention, and one of the Incorporators of IPCAP has asked for a meeting of IPCAP which she suggested to call off just a few minutes ago this morning June 18, 2008 (about 9:15AM). She echoed to me the concerns about IPCAP. In fact, she mentioned that at the oath-taking, those who took the oath were issued certificates of membership to PGCA, then interim APO while in fact there is NO PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION yet ACCREDITED by PRC! Where is IPCAP and what's up with IPCAP?
The Integrated Professional Counselors Association of the Philippines, (IPCAP) Inc. is currently being registered with SEC. Cesar Cong of PACC, elected IPCAP Treasurer and myself of PACERS, elected IPCAP Secretary have reserved our company name at SEC and forwarded the SEC endorsement to PRC for comment and endorsement as APO, all in compliance with the set requirements of RA 9258. We are following up on this. Developments will be posted here and will be officially texted to all concerned, particularly the Incorporators and those who need to be involved.
There have been questions about IPCAP being formulated/constituted by non-licensed members. As an organization, it was through the PGCA President Dr. Rose Llanes' initiative that counseling-related organizations' representatives came and formed this group (please read previous entries in this blog). We have elected the officers of IPCAP. Our main task is to ensure its registration as a legitimate professional organization of Guidance Counselors. IPCAP is not just one of those counseling-related groups. We came together in view of the requirements of RA9258. Hence if ever we are officers of IPCAP, we have actually only constituted ourselves as the incorporators of IPCAP, and not its members. The membership of IPCAP is stipulated in RA 9258, Article III, Section 21. No one among the Incorporators may aggrandize unto oneself IPCAP membership sans the license granted by PRC, a sine qua non for membership. Hence, those among the incorporators who are not licensed may not become a member of IPCAP simply because the license is the sole indicator of being a professional Guidance Counselor. At least they have done their part to form this group for the good of the profession of Guidance and Counseling in the Philippines.
There has been formulated an IPCAP Constitution. It can be a working document for the first official meeting after SEC shall have granted IPCAP its official papers. Only after that meeting shall it be submitted to SEC, and its formulation shall then have been duly made by licensed Guidance Counselors.
What thus awaits us at this time are the following things to be achieved:
1. First official IPCAP meeting - to be called by the current officership in order to set up its legitimate structure. SEC's Form 9, a proforma for all non-stock corporations is currently being followed. It is really a must that currently licensed Guidance Counselors show up at this meeting, for we are obliged for ourselves and our posterity, and for the country.
2. Draft its Official IPCAP Constitution - we may use the one formulated while we were being organized and constituted as a working draft. As a regular step, ratification by the membership shall make it official, and for submission to SEC and PRC.
3. Determine its activities and functions for the development of the profession and its practitioners.
Questions including the following I'd like to share my thoughts on:
A. What took us this long?
- PGCA has been the interim APO since RA 9258 was signed in 2004; however, there are problems in the organization which keep it from being accredited by PRC! Among those that I know involve official acts that need to be done in view of documentary requirements. We are well aware of the current situation PGCA is in! These acts require a miracle - first of all humility of those involved, as well as organizational restructuring that will take time (and millions!) before PGCA can ever be accredited. Like other counseling-related organizations, PGCA has members who cannot be licensed simply because they may not have satisfied RA 9258. PGCA had 3 years as interim APO, and that time is now passe. Meanwhile, IPCAP was organized last February 4, 2006, not to be a federation of Counseling-related organizations but in fulfillment of what RA 9258 had stipulated. With IPCAP now organized, complete with the steps necessary to solidify itself, we pray that the current steps be blessed by God and work as APO.
B. What about those who paid to PGCA, thinking that it was the APO?
- Actually, this financial matter can be resolved easily. PGCA has already granted IPCAP through a Board Resolution last year its seed money of P50K, duly deposited in the bank and managed currently by licensed Counselors. Besides, whatever may have been paid to PGCA as APO may be forwarded to IPCAP after it shall have been granted its official status. PGCA in the meantime shall have been earning the interests which should be left with the organization as a token of sincere gratitude.
C. How about the other Counseling-related organizations? How are these orgs in relation to and will be affected with the organization and accreditation of IPCAP?
- There are current serious concerns about the life of these organizations. The current economic state of the country, including each licensed Counselor's pocket may impact on the organizational membership. Who can afford to pay membership fees in two organizations? The one required of each licensed Counselor is the IPCAP. The rest will therefore be a second priority. But this is not intended by IPCAP, for its set-up was legally mandated.
- Nowhere in the current IPCAP Constitution says anything against other organizations. What IPCAP needs to do however, and this needs to be properly founded, is to help in the accreditation of these said organizations. Accreditation may have implications for the conduct of seminars which can be credited for CPE or continuing professional education required to renew the license to practice Guidance and Counseling. Counseling-related organizations will thus be challenged to look into oneself and see what specific area in Counseling it can contribute. This is clear in the specialization-orientation evident among other professions, e.g., medicine, law, etc. Only then shall the said organizations be assured of life and membership. Wouldn't that be exciting and really challenging?
I have other things to write about and will include this in my next blog. Your reactions and comments please feel free to communicate to my email:
God bless