This may be a bit late in time, but it was only yesterday Jan. 28, 2009 during the Guidance-related organizations met at PRC when this matter was confirmed. What about?
Last Saturday, very early in the morning, I received a message from Dr. Luz Guzman this text message:
"Good am. Will u pls announce 2day 2 all GC Applicants 4 d GFC 2 file their applications 2 their regional offices ASAP even without d PGCA Certifications. This was approved by d Commission 2 beat d Deadline of Jan. 26. Pls do this 4 d love of Guidance. Thanks.."
I replied saying "Gud AM. The more responsible Act Shud Hav bn 2 Hav this printed in newspapers, Announced on tv. S ds not making revisions 2 d Rules and regulations of RA 9258 which needs publication before it becomes valid (and binding)? Why not just take the Board Exam?"
Dr. Guzman replied: "There will be a Press release 2day by d PRC."
She also mentioned that "This decision was made as a result of d rush of qualified applicants 2 file but due to the lack of PGCA certifications, their applications were denied. This PRC decision is an answer 2 some of the your queries in d past, d ba? What do you think?...
Furthermore she texted: Na waived na ang PGCA requirement. Ds was signed by Chairman Lapena late in d afternoon yesterday [Friday Jan. 2, 2009 - date I supplied].
I texted back saying that as Board of Guidance and Counseling, they should have been able to see these developments long before. In case of legislative probe by the Oversight Committee of Congress, they might be found wanting in anticipation. I also mentioned that they may have to beware of those who have standing ethical concerns to address, particularly those with court cases. She asked who will make the first step? Someone has to make the first step. My reply: The Board of Guidance and Counseling should MOTU PROPRIO on their own do something because these are not outside their knowledge. Or else, they will have to inhibit themselves from acting on the application.
Then I asked to be informed in what newspaper the press release will be published, and only then will I send the information to people.
1. That the Board of Guidance and Counseling accepts applications only until the designated deadline on January 26, 2009, but applicants be given ample time of at least two (2) months within which to comply with deficiencies in the following:
a. erroneous birth certificates
b. Certificates of membership in the Accredited Professional Organization (APO)
c. Courses taken after 2004
d. Experience to take the place of courses in Guidance and Counseling
2. That for (1.b) the requirement for active membership to the Accredited Professional Organization (APO) be waived on the basis that the PRC has no accredited APO for Guidance and Counseling at this time, the Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association (PGCA), being only the interim APO up to November 2008 (Nov. 16, 2008 to be exact - my clarification)
3. That for (1.c) applicants who took the required subjects/units after 2004 be likewise accepted and considered.
This letter request by the PRC Commissioner In charge of the Guidance and Counseling division and signed and approved by the PRC Chair has finally declared that there is NO APO at this time. Ergo, there is no more need to attend PGCA Events for purposes of getting documents required under the law. But didn't the interim period of APO lapse last Nov. 16, 2008? The Nov. 19, 2008 PGCA event should have been the most opportune time to announce that yes, we have no APO, hence there is no need for such certificates as mentioned in the RR of the law. That should have been the opportune time to mention about the said documents, and how to go about difficulties in obtaining such precious papers. People were rushing then as they rushed last Jan. 26, 2009, the typical crammers among us. I would not like to think what's in your mind, for that is something we should avoid at this time of economic difficulties.
"Experience to take the place of courses in Guidance and Counseling" (#1.d above) may be patently illegal. Sec. 14 of the law R.A. No. 9258 clearly stipulates that both, active experience and course attendance are to be together. These matters have been raised so early in time during the fora, and yet it is only now that this matter is attended. Is this a way to appease as many as possible? It should not be impossible then for us to have even the ordinarily friendly and approachable person claiming to have done counseling to show us a PRC license as Guidance Counselor. Wag naman sana. But that's the point: the nets have been torn and literally everyone was allowed in. What was the law all about in the first place?
The letter was NOT signed by the current Board of Guidance and Counseling OIC Dr. Rosales. Instead, it was signed by the PRC Commissioner In Charge of the Guidance and Counseling Division. The triumvirate is supposed to be the Board of Guidance and Counseling as R.A. No. 9258 has stipulated . The PRC acts as supervisor and control but NEVER TO TAKE OVER ITS JOB. Tension in this area then becomes a matter to address. Is the absence of her signature significant of anything? Was she sick then? This is supposed to be her task, of ensuring that the Board resolves problems that have been cropping along the way during the implementation of RA 9258. We would all have been properly guided since Day One had Board Resolutions been published. Is this a function of age? Would that we have the third member of the Board. But that is something for the next blog!
God bless
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Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
IPCAP National Convention in Dumaguete Invitation & Program
For those who have not received their letters yet, here is the email version of the Invitation Letter to the IPCAP National Convention in Dumaguete, as well as the Program:
Dear Rev./Sr., Sir, Ma'am,
Greetings of God's love and peace!
The Integrated Professional Counselors Association of the Philippines (IPCAP), Inc., the 1st and only PRC-endorsed and SEC-registered organization of the Registered Guidance Counselors invites you to our 1st National Convention with the theme: "The Professional Guidance Counselor & The Law: Status & Prospects" on January 23-24, 2009 at the Audiovisual Theatre 1, Multimedia Center of the Silliman University, Dumaguete City.
Topics of significant concern to School Administrators, Guidance Counselors, Guidance Teachers and other stakeholders in the field will be tackled. There shall be plenary discussions on the implications of the law (Republic Act No. 9258 or the Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004) from varied perspectives, our legal and professional accountabilities, an orientation/organizational process of IPCAP, and our action in handling clients with victimization histories. Very interesting also will be a workshop on the realities and prospects in the workplace of the professional Guidance Counselors. In all presentations, emphasis will be given to promote a rich exchange of thoughts and experiences to bond the RGCs together as well as keep everyone actively participating.
The attendance of the Guidance Counselor of your school will be highly appreciated. Both the licensed and soon-to-be-licensed will truly benefit from this two-day assembly. Additionally, your graduate students in Counseling-related courses who maybe interested to attend will enjoy special discounts. Please share the attached documents to them. On the other hand, IPCAP Membership is reserved for the Registered Guidance Counselors. Those awaiting their oath-taking have started paying their membership dues, while active membership status commences with their oath and granting of the PRC IDs. The IPCAP Constitution has benefits for the members who maintain their Active status.
Aware of your commitment to the cause of Guidance and Counseling in the Philippines, IPCAP welcomes you to be with us on Jan. 23-24, 2009. CHED, and DepEd endorsements are already available and may be sent via email even as we will also be ready to provide them to the participants.
Here is the Program we will follow:
Day 1: JAN. 23, 2009 (Friday)
A.M. Officer of the Day Dr. Julian R. Montano
7:30 am Registration
8:30 Opening Rites
Invocation Rev. Noel C. Villalba (SU Pastor)
Philippine National Anthem - SU Campus Choristers
Greetings - Dr. Ben S. Malayang III, SU President
Welcome Remarks - Dr. Betsy Joy B. Tan, SU VPAA
Presentation of Participants - Dr. Julian R. Montano
Intermission - SU Campus Choristers
Introduction of the Keynote Speaker: Dr. Rosa Maria I. Llanes
9: 00 Keynote Address - Fr. Roderick Salazar, SVD
Former President, University of San Carlos, Cebu City
10:00 Snacks :
10:30 Plenary 1: Implications of the Law From Varied Perspectives I
Speakers: Dr. Ricardo G. Burgonia (DepEd Reg. 7 OIC)
Dr. Candelario M. Aytona (CHED Reg. 7 OIC)
Dr. Evangeline P. Aguilan (Private School: SU)
12:00 Lunch
1:00 pm Unfreezer
1:15 Plenary 2: Implications of the Law From Varied Perspectives II
Speakers: Rev. Fr. Thadeu Enrique N. Balongag (Administration: Diocesan Schools/COSCA)
Dr. Elizabeth Suba (Assessment)
Dr. Julian R. Montano (Private Practice)
Dr. Lucio B. Mutia (CPE Supervisor, Silliman University)
2:45 IPCAP Organization Process
President's Address: Dr. Rosa Ma. I. Llanes
Financial Report: Mr. Cesar S. Cong
History of IPCAP: Fr. Bernardo R. Collera, SVD
IPCAP Constitution & By-Laws
Facilitators: Dr. Julian R. Montano/ Dr. Alda Perlita S. Polestico
4:00 Ratification of IPCAP Constitution
Officer of the Day PM: Dr. Elvira Irene G. Ramos
Day 2: JAN. 24, 2009 (Saturday)
A.M. Officer of the Day: Ms. Maureen N. Sandejas / Dr. Alda Perlita Polestico
7:30 Registration
8:00 Unfreezer
8:30 Plenary 3: The RGC: Professional & Legal Accountabilities:
Speaker: Fr. Ranhillo C. Aquino Jr. (San Beda College, Manila)
(Snacks will be served)
11:00 Plenary 4: The RGC and Human Rights
Speakers: Dr. Rosa Ma. I. Llanes
Ms Emma Patalinghug, SWO4, DSWD Region 7
12:00 Lunch
1:15 pm Workshops - Guidance & Counseling: Realities and Prospects in the Work Place
Facilitators: Dr. Elvira Irene G. Ramos
Dr. Rosa Ma. I. Llanes
Mr. Cesar S. Cong
Dr. Julian R. Montano
4:30 Closing Ceremonies
Oath Taking of IPCAP Officers and Members
Distribution of Certificates
P.M. Officer of the Day: Fr. Bernardo R. Collera, SVD
God bless us all in this noble endeavor. Thank you.
Dear Rev./Sr., Sir, Ma'am,
Greetings of God's love and peace!
The Integrated Professional Counselors Association of the Philippines (IPCAP), Inc., the 1st and only PRC-endorsed and SEC-registered organization of the Registered Guidance Counselors invites you to our 1st National Convention with the theme: "The Professional Guidance Counselor & The Law: Status & Prospects" on January 23-24, 2009 at the Audiovisual Theatre 1, Multimedia Center of the Silliman University, Dumaguete City.
Topics of significant concern to School Administrators, Guidance Counselors, Guidance Teachers and other stakeholders in the field will be tackled. There shall be plenary discussions on the implications of the law (Republic Act No. 9258 or the Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004) from varied perspectives, our legal and professional accountabilities, an orientation/organizational process of IPCAP, and our action in handling clients with victimization histories. Very interesting also will be a workshop on the realities and prospects in the workplace of the professional Guidance Counselors. In all presentations, emphasis will be given to promote a rich exchange of thoughts and experiences to bond the RGCs together as well as keep everyone actively participating.
The attendance of the Guidance Counselor of your school will be highly appreciated. Both the licensed and soon-to-be-licensed will truly benefit from this two-day assembly. Additionally, your graduate students in Counseling-related courses who maybe interested to attend will enjoy special discounts. Please share the attached documents to them. On the other hand, IPCAP Membership is reserved for the Registered Guidance Counselors. Those awaiting their oath-taking have started paying their membership dues, while active membership status commences with their oath and granting of the PRC IDs. The IPCAP Constitution has benefits for the members who maintain their Active status.
Aware of your commitment to the cause of Guidance and Counseling in the Philippines, IPCAP welcomes you to be with us on Jan. 23-24, 2009. CHED, and DepEd endorsements are already available and may be sent via email even as we will also be ready to provide them to the participants.
Here is the Program we will follow:
Day 1: JAN. 23, 2009 (Friday)
A.M. Officer of the Day Dr. Julian R. Montano
7:30 am Registration
8:30 Opening Rites
Invocation Rev. Noel C. Villalba (SU Pastor)
Philippine National Anthem - SU Campus Choristers
Greetings - Dr. Ben S. Malayang III, SU President
Welcome Remarks - Dr. Betsy Joy B. Tan, SU VPAA
Presentation of Participants - Dr. Julian R. Montano
Intermission - SU Campus Choristers
Introduction of the Keynote Speaker: Dr. Rosa Maria I. Llanes
9: 00 Keynote Address - Fr. Roderick Salazar, SVD
Former President, University of San Carlos, Cebu City
10:00 Snacks :
10:30 Plenary 1: Implications of the Law From Varied Perspectives I
Speakers: Dr. Ricardo G. Burgonia (DepEd Reg. 7 OIC)
Dr. Candelario M. Aytona (CHED Reg. 7 OIC)
Dr. Evangeline P. Aguilan (Private School: SU)
12:00 Lunch
1:00 pm Unfreezer
1:15 Plenary 2: Implications of the Law From Varied Perspectives II
Speakers: Rev. Fr. Thadeu Enrique N. Balongag (Administration: Diocesan Schools/COSCA)
Dr. Elizabeth Suba (Assessment)
Dr. Julian R. Montano (Private Practice)
Dr. Lucio B. Mutia (CPE Supervisor, Silliman University)
2:45 IPCAP Organization Process
President's Address: Dr. Rosa Ma. I. Llanes
Financial Report: Mr. Cesar S. Cong
History of IPCAP: Fr. Bernardo R. Collera, SVD
IPCAP Constitution & By-Laws
Facilitators: Dr. Julian R. Montano/ Dr. Alda Perlita S. Polestico
4:00 Ratification of IPCAP Constitution
Officer of the Day PM: Dr. Elvira Irene G. Ramos
Day 2: JAN. 24, 2009 (Saturday)
A.M. Officer of the Day: Ms. Maureen N. Sandejas / Dr. Alda Perlita Polestico
7:30 Registration
8:00 Unfreezer
8:30 Plenary 3: The RGC: Professional & Legal Accountabilities:
Speaker: Fr. Ranhillo C. Aquino Jr. (San Beda College, Manila)
(Snacks will be served)
11:00 Plenary 4: The RGC and Human Rights
Speakers: Dr. Rosa Ma. I. Llanes
Ms Emma Patalinghug, SWO4, DSWD Region 7
12:00 Lunch
1:15 pm Workshops - Guidance & Counseling: Realities and Prospects in the Work Place
Facilitators: Dr. Elvira Irene G. Ramos
Dr. Rosa Ma. I. Llanes
Mr. Cesar S. Cong
Dr. Julian R. Montano
4:30 Closing Ceremonies
Oath Taking of IPCAP Officers and Members
Distribution of Certificates
P.M. Officer of the Day: Fr. Bernardo R. Collera, SVD
God bless us all in this noble endeavor. Thank you.
UNANG HIRIT Guesting Experience
About two hours ago, I was guest at the GMA Studio Unang Hirit Show. I was asked to help discuss the current phenomenon of "house husbands" today. The interviewers were Lyn Ching-Pascual and Suzi Entrata-Abrera. It lasted about four minutes.
Yesterday before lunch, I received a call from the segment researcher who wanted referral to talk about the topic. I gave the number of IPCAP President Dr. Rose Llanes whom the researcher Aubrey immediately contacted. By siesta time, the call came again and Aubrey mentioned that Dr. Llanes was then busy. By then, Aubrey must have been feeling jittery since it would be for today's morning show. We then talked about the phenomenon.
Before I slept last night, she texted me about the driver's arrival time to fetch me here, and sure enough he was on time. I was rather slow as the heater I bought was the slow heating type for ground water. However, we were in fact early for the 530AM appointment. It was a long wait that made me see the hosts of the show arrive one after the other, starting with Arnold Clavio, then Rhea Santos. I saw Suzi running towards the show's booth as she took a second look at me. The one who wrote the script, Nanath or Lala, oriented me; we talked about the topic. The script by the way was culled from the afternoon phone talk with Aubrey. And then the long wait at the Conference Hall where I was given three newspapers to pass the time. Two trips to the Comfort Room indicated to me that I was nervous. Aubrey was kind enough to offer first water, and by 630AM a sandwich and coffee from 7-11.
While waiting at the Conference Hall, Unang Hirit's Fashion segment Host Olen Juarez-Lim came with two other persons. When Aubrey came back with the munchables, a conversation ensued. I was impressed by how natural and friendly the atmosphere was. While Olen had Guidance and Counseling degree, she works as an image consultant for companies. Counseling thus becomes part of her role. I asked her if she needed a license. It appears that there may be no need for a license for that kind of job.
After the news segment came "the moment." I was ushered into the booth, and there I saw Jolina Magdangal seated with her two feet tucked by her back as she sat on the sala seat. Another male host was on the other seat. Both were working with their mobile phones. The second trip to the CR showed my need to compose myself for "the moment." I was brought in closer to the set, with a mini wireless microphone hooked on the lapel of my overcoat. About ten minutes more had passed and then the show.
No "lights, camera, action" word were said. I was just told to put down the mobile phone. Aw, yes, Suzi and Lyn started a conversation with me. Lyn looks like my twin-friends Boni and Belinda Ting. How I wish one day the three would meet. They'd look like a triplet when they meet each other.
And then, Suzi spoke, reading from the "idiot board" flashed on a screen gradually moving up on its small screen. I took a deep breath, as a video was being shown on the topic. And then the greetings by Lyn Ching. I looked at the tv screen in front of us, and just focused on the hosts who interviewed me, barraging me with questions. I was told to speak straight to the point, and as much as possible in Tagalog. Thank God I did.
Really, today's husbands need to be realistic about the possibility of "manning the house" while his wife works. We mentioned about what effect this has on the couple, the man, his children, and yes, the in-laws and the neighborhood. For me, what is important is that the couple talks about the situation, support each other and do things in partnership. If they are clear in their respect for what the other can bring to make the family survive life's trials (such as the husband's job loss, or the wife's OFW stint), those around them, the children, in-laws, friends and neighbors will only find a good model of family life. It should thus become an adaptive way of coping in our world that is currently being tried with financial crises.
All the best to house husbands. Go on a date with your wife (read: communicate as often to each other about your situation). Respect one another and take care of each other. In that way, the house husband's self-esteem will remain healthy, his functioning appropriate, the children happy and healthy, the in-laws more respectful of your couple's way of handling your particular situations, and of course, the friends and neighbors feeling less anxious about taking your way to maintain the family health, and gradually wealth. God bless
Yesterday before lunch, I received a call from the segment researcher who wanted referral to talk about the topic. I gave the number of IPCAP President Dr. Rose Llanes whom the researcher Aubrey immediately contacted. By siesta time, the call came again and Aubrey mentioned that Dr. Llanes was then busy. By then, Aubrey must have been feeling jittery since it would be for today's morning show. We then talked about the phenomenon.
Before I slept last night, she texted me about the driver's arrival time to fetch me here, and sure enough he was on time. I was rather slow as the heater I bought was the slow heating type for ground water. However, we were in fact early for the 530AM appointment. It was a long wait that made me see the hosts of the show arrive one after the other, starting with Arnold Clavio, then Rhea Santos. I saw Suzi running towards the show's booth as she took a second look at me. The one who wrote the script, Nanath or Lala, oriented me; we talked about the topic. The script by the way was culled from the afternoon phone talk with Aubrey. And then the long wait at the Conference Hall where I was given three newspapers to pass the time. Two trips to the Comfort Room indicated to me that I was nervous. Aubrey was kind enough to offer first water, and by 630AM a sandwich and coffee from 7-11.
While waiting at the Conference Hall, Unang Hirit's Fashion segment Host Olen Juarez-Lim came with two other persons. When Aubrey came back with the munchables, a conversation ensued. I was impressed by how natural and friendly the atmosphere was. While Olen had Guidance and Counseling degree, she works as an image consultant for companies. Counseling thus becomes part of her role. I asked her if she needed a license. It appears that there may be no need for a license for that kind of job.
After the news segment came "the moment." I was ushered into the booth, and there I saw Jolina Magdangal seated with her two feet tucked by her back as she sat on the sala seat. Another male host was on the other seat. Both were working with their mobile phones. The second trip to the CR showed my need to compose myself for "the moment." I was brought in closer to the set, with a mini wireless microphone hooked on the lapel of my overcoat. About ten minutes more had passed and then the show.
No "lights, camera, action" word were said. I was just told to put down the mobile phone. Aw, yes, Suzi and Lyn started a conversation with me. Lyn looks like my twin-friends Boni and Belinda Ting. How I wish one day the three would meet. They'd look like a triplet when they meet each other.
And then, Suzi spoke, reading from the "idiot board" flashed on a screen gradually moving up on its small screen. I took a deep breath, as a video was being shown on the topic. And then the greetings by Lyn Ching. I looked at the tv screen in front of us, and just focused on the hosts who interviewed me, barraging me with questions. I was told to speak straight to the point, and as much as possible in Tagalog. Thank God I did.
Really, today's husbands need to be realistic about the possibility of "manning the house" while his wife works. We mentioned about what effect this has on the couple, the man, his children, and yes, the in-laws and the neighborhood. For me, what is important is that the couple talks about the situation, support each other and do things in partnership. If they are clear in their respect for what the other can bring to make the family survive life's trials (such as the husband's job loss, or the wife's OFW stint), those around them, the children, in-laws, friends and neighbors will only find a good model of family life. It should thus become an adaptive way of coping in our world that is currently being tried with financial crises.
All the best to house husbands. Go on a date with your wife (read: communicate as often to each other about your situation). Respect one another and take care of each other. In that way, the house husband's self-esteem will remain healthy, his functioning appropriate, the children happy and healthy, the in-laws more respectful of your couple's way of handling your particular situations, and of course, the friends and neighbors feeling less anxious about taking your way to maintain the family health, and gradually wealth. God bless
Friday, January 09, 2009
DepEd Advisory for IPCAP
Today January 09, fiesta in Quiapo, Black Nazarene, the DepEd Advisory was released and published online (click,%20s.%202009.pdf) Those who need this advisory may download from there. We shall also be readying this document for those who may need it.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Recommended Hotels/Lodgings for IPCAP in Dumaguete & CHED Endorsement

This is the CHED Endorsement for the upcoming IPCAP National Convention in Dumaguete City this coming January 23-24, 2009 at the Silliman University. We can have this emailed in advance to those who are coming. Just email
We are still awaiting for the release of the DepEd Endorsement.
Recommended Hotels for Reservation in Dumaguete
Dr. Vangie Aguilan, our Co-Chair for the IPCAP National Convention in Dumaguete sent the following information where to stay there. It's all systems GO now. Reserve immediately in order to ensure your stay while there. And see you.
Here are the rates for the Worldview Hotel or you may want to stay inside Silliman campus, our Alumni Hall:
Good for 2 at P650.00/room only 1 room is available;
Good for 4 at P750.00/room, 3 rooms available,
Good for 3 at P750/room, 1 room left.
All rooms have hot and cold showers, cable tv and telephone.
By the way, another place where you can stay is C & L Suites Inn,: about 5-8 minutes away from Silliman by pedicabit, it is near our Cathedral and local market, they offer free breakfast and car service to and from the airport: Tel. no. (035) 2256219 or (035) 422 9671 -
single deluxe P500;
double P700;
twin P895;
Family is good for 3 at P1200.
PACERS Call for Papers, Posters and Articles
Here is a letter from Dr. John Addy Garcia, current PACERS Secretary invites everyone to submit articles for the Philippine Journal of Counseling Psychology, papers and posters for the upcoming PACERS National Convention. Do share it with others you know who would have something to share for the profession.
Dear Colleagues,
I am inviting you to submit papers for the 2009 PACERS Annual Convention-Workshops and Volumes 11-12 of the Philippine Journal of Counseling Psychology. Please refer to the attached document for the specific guidelines.
Thanks for the continued support.
John Addy Garcia
A Call for Journal Article Submission
The Philippine Association for Counselor Education, Research, and Supervision (PACERS) is now accepting manuscripts for peer review and publication in the Philippine Journal of Counseling Psychology, Volume No.11 (February, 2009), Volume No. 12 (February, 2010). The journal welcomes research manuscripts on counseling relevant issues that will be of interest to counselors, counselor educators, counseling researchers and other counseling related professionals who work in different settings. It gives special attention to empirical studies on: (1) counseling techniques and intervention strategies; (2) the development and validation of assessment instruments that can be used in counseling; (3) group treatment and development programs; and (4) counselor education and supervision.
Contributors can submit manuscripts prepared in accordance with the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Submission should not be longer than 35 pages, including an abstract of 200 words or less. Also include contact information about the author. Contributors are expected to secure the necessary permissions for copyrighted materials included in their manuscript. Tables, figures, and graphs should be embedded in the submitted article.
Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word and be sent electronically, as attachment, to The Journal only accepts electronic submissions. All articles will be peer-reviewed and the Editors will ensure that the review process does not take more than 5 months.
A Call for Papers
The Philippine Association for Counselor Education, Research, and Supervision (PACERS) is now accepting abstracts for the concurrent session papers and posters for its 33rd Annual Convention-Workshops on February 18-20, 2009. The conference venue will be the Hyatt Hotel and Casino Manila, Pedro Gil corner M. H. del Pilar Streets, Malate, Manila. For this year, the convention will focus on the theme “Strengthening the Professional Identity of Counselors through Responsive Training and Practice.”
The Convention-Workshops
The convention is a three-day event, comprising of panel discussion, concurrent paper presentations, interactive posters, and workshops.
The schedule of presentations will be on: February 19, 2009; (Interactive Poster Presentation) 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.; (Concurrent Paper Presentations) 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Interactive Poster Presentations
Poster presentations are displays on poster boards. The poster is usually a mixture of a brief narrative paper, intermixed with tables, graphs, pictures and other presentation formats. By writing concisely and with a few areas of focus, the presentation can communicate your research and help synthesize your main ideas and direction of research. Each participant will be assigned a poster board of 2x3 feet. Pins/adhesive tapes will be available at the conference venue. Materials must be easy to read from a distance of four feet. Each poster should include the title of the presentation, the author(s) and affiliation(s).
We recommend that you use 18 to 24 point lettering for your main text. The use of colour to organise sections of the paper is effective. Colour graphs and/or coloured borders around black and white figures can be especially effective in making your poster easy to read. You need to be creative and present only clear, readable data tables and graphs. You can bring hand-outs of one A4 page containing the title, abstract, and your contact information, so that people can e-mail you after the conference when they are interested finding out more about your presentation.
You will be asked to set up your poster before 12 noon on the second day the conference (February 19, 2009). You are also expected to attend to queries from participants during the schedule interactive presentations from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Authors should email their detailed abstract to:
Concurrent Paper Presentations
Authors are invited to submit papers; preferably in MS Word format. The length should not exceed 12 pages typeset in a 12-point font. A detailed extended abstract (2 pages minimum) will be considered if it gives a clear reflection of the contents and key points of the coming paper. All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Authors should email their paper or detailed abstract to:
In the concurrent sessions, the participant presents his/her paper in 20-30 minutes. After all of the presentations, there will be a question-and-answer period of 20-30 minutes, where listeners have the opportunity to ask questions, give their opinion or share experiences. Each session will be monitored by a chairperson who facilitates the transition from one speaker to another. Each session hall will be equipped with a computer and an LCD. For your Powerpoint presentation, we suggest that you bring soft copies of your presentation in your USB drive, and a CD (for back-up). We also suggest that you bring hand-outs of one short bond paper containing the title, abstract, and your contact information, so that people can e-mail you after the conference when they are interested in reading the full paper.
Dear Colleagues,
I am inviting you to submit papers for the 2009 PACERS Annual Convention-Workshops and Volumes 11-12 of the Philippine Journal of Counseling Psychology. Please refer to the attached document for the specific guidelines.
Thanks for the continued support.
John Addy Garcia
A Call for Journal Article Submission
The Philippine Association for Counselor Education, Research, and Supervision (PACERS) is now accepting manuscripts for peer review and publication in the Philippine Journal of Counseling Psychology, Volume No.11 (February, 2009), Volume No. 12 (February, 2010). The journal welcomes research manuscripts on counseling relevant issues that will be of interest to counselors, counselor educators, counseling researchers and other counseling related professionals who work in different settings. It gives special attention to empirical studies on: (1) counseling techniques and intervention strategies; (2) the development and validation of assessment instruments that can be used in counseling; (3) group treatment and development programs; and (4) counselor education and supervision.
Contributors can submit manuscripts prepared in accordance with the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Submission should not be longer than 35 pages, including an abstract of 200 words or less. Also include contact information about the author. Contributors are expected to secure the necessary permissions for copyrighted materials included in their manuscript. Tables, figures, and graphs should be embedded in the submitted article.
Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word and be sent electronically, as attachment, to The Journal only accepts electronic submissions. All articles will be peer-reviewed and the Editors will ensure that the review process does not take more than 5 months.
A Call for Papers
The Philippine Association for Counselor Education, Research, and Supervision (PACERS) is now accepting abstracts for the concurrent session papers and posters for its 33rd Annual Convention-Workshops on February 18-20, 2009. The conference venue will be the Hyatt Hotel and Casino Manila, Pedro Gil corner M. H. del Pilar Streets, Malate, Manila. For this year, the convention will focus on the theme “Strengthening the Professional Identity of Counselors through Responsive Training and Practice.”
The Convention-Workshops
The convention is a three-day event, comprising of panel discussion, concurrent paper presentations, interactive posters, and workshops.
The schedule of presentations will be on: February 19, 2009; (Interactive Poster Presentation) 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.; (Concurrent Paper Presentations) 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Interactive Poster Presentations
Poster presentations are displays on poster boards. The poster is usually a mixture of a brief narrative paper, intermixed with tables, graphs, pictures and other presentation formats. By writing concisely and with a few areas of focus, the presentation can communicate your research and help synthesize your main ideas and direction of research. Each participant will be assigned a poster board of 2x3 feet. Pins/adhesive tapes will be available at the conference venue. Materials must be easy to read from a distance of four feet. Each poster should include the title of the presentation, the author(s) and affiliation(s).
We recommend that you use 18 to 24 point lettering for your main text. The use of colour to organise sections of the paper is effective. Colour graphs and/or coloured borders around black and white figures can be especially effective in making your poster easy to read. You need to be creative and present only clear, readable data tables and graphs. You can bring hand-outs of one A4 page containing the title, abstract, and your contact information, so that people can e-mail you after the conference when they are interested finding out more about your presentation.
You will be asked to set up your poster before 12 noon on the second day the conference (February 19, 2009). You are also expected to attend to queries from participants during the schedule interactive presentations from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Authors should email their detailed abstract to:
Concurrent Paper Presentations
Authors are invited to submit papers; preferably in MS Word format. The length should not exceed 12 pages typeset in a 12-point font. A detailed extended abstract (2 pages minimum) will be considered if it gives a clear reflection of the contents and key points of the coming paper. All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Authors should email their paper or detailed abstract to:
In the concurrent sessions, the participant presents his/her paper in 20-30 minutes. After all of the presentations, there will be a question-and-answer period of 20-30 minutes, where listeners have the opportunity to ask questions, give their opinion or share experiences. Each session will be monitored by a chairperson who facilitates the transition from one speaker to another. Each session hall will be equipped with a computer and an LCD. For your Powerpoint presentation, we suggest that you bring soft copies of your presentation in your USB drive, and a CD (for back-up). We also suggest that you bring hand-outs of one short bond paper containing the title, abstract, and your contact information, so that people can e-mail you after the conference when they are interested in reading the full paper.
Monday, January 05, 2009
JOB Opening at RCW
One of IPCAP Active Members Harriet Hormillosa, RGC has sent me this email to post for applicants to her company. Please read along. Happy New Year to everyone. God bless
Happy New Year!!!
RCW Foundation is currently in need of additional staff for its expanding program needs.
Kindly forward this announcement to your friends and associates
Job Opening
Name of Organization/Employer: Reintegration for Care and Wholeness Foundation, Inc. (RCW Foundation)
Employer background:
Reintegration for Care & Wholeness Foundation, Inc. (RCWFI) is a non-stock, non-profit organization committed to help people achieve wellness, wholeness and fullness of life through its integrative, transformational and healing programs. It has a preferential concern for the welfare of all life carers and care providers in our society.
Job vacancies
Job description
The MARKETING EXECUTIVE shall be involved in various marketing functions such as scouting print advertisers, events, sales, research and promotions.
MARKETING EXECUTIVE: Graduate of any business course, with good scholastic records, Good Communication and Public Relation Skills, Good command of English in oral or written form, Deadline and result oriented, willing to work extended hours, Computer Literate, resourceful, hardworking and has the ability to achieve an objective with minimal supervision, has a heart for NGO work. Fresh college graduates may apply.
Computer literate, hard working, willing to work under pressure, a team player, willing to learn and unlearn things, can work under minimum supervision. Fresh graduates may apply.
Computer literate, hard working, a team player, can work under minimum supervision, willing to learn and unlearn things, dependable. Preference: someone who knows how to drive.
Contact details
Send applications to
• Letter of application addressed to the President Ms. Harriet H. Hormillosa
• Updated Resume
• Official Transcript of Records
• One recent 2x2 photo
RCW Foundation Inc.
59 C. Salvador Street
Varsity Hills Subdivision
Loyola Heights, Q.C.
Tel no. (632) 436-0710 or 426-6832
Fax no. (632) 436-0710
Mobile no.: c/o Mae Sotacio - 0921-6332587, 0919-2444503
Happy New Year!!!
RCW Foundation is currently in need of additional staff for its expanding program needs.
Kindly forward this announcement to your friends and associates
Job Opening
Name of Organization/Employer: Reintegration for Care and Wholeness Foundation, Inc. (RCW Foundation)
Employer background:
Reintegration for Care & Wholeness Foundation, Inc. (RCWFI) is a non-stock, non-profit organization committed to help people achieve wellness, wholeness and fullness of life through its integrative, transformational and healing programs. It has a preferential concern for the welfare of all life carers and care providers in our society.
Job vacancies
Job description
The MARKETING EXECUTIVE shall be involved in various marketing functions such as scouting print advertisers, events, sales, research and promotions.
MARKETING EXECUTIVE: Graduate of any business course, with good scholastic records, Good Communication and Public Relation Skills, Good command of English in oral or written form, Deadline and result oriented, willing to work extended hours, Computer Literate, resourceful, hardworking and has the ability to achieve an objective with minimal supervision, has a heart for NGO work. Fresh college graduates may apply.
Computer literate, hard working, willing to work under pressure, a team player, willing to learn and unlearn things, can work under minimum supervision. Fresh graduates may apply.
Computer literate, hard working, a team player, can work under minimum supervision, willing to learn and unlearn things, dependable. Preference: someone who knows how to drive.
Contact details
Send applications to
• Letter of application addressed to the President Ms. Harriet H. Hormillosa
• Updated Resume
• Official Transcript of Records
• One recent 2x2 photo
RCW Foundation Inc.
59 C. Salvador Street
Varsity Hills Subdivision
Loyola Heights, Q.C.
Tel no. (632) 436-0710 or 426-6832
Fax no. (632) 436-0710
Mobile no.: c/o Mae Sotacio - 0921-6332587, 0919-2444503
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